Worship Volunteers
Each of our worship services is a special time to gather with God and our faith community, but worship doesn't magically happen!
Our worship services are the work of the people - the work of many volunteers who give their time and creativity to offer worship to God and people searching for God's love in their lives.
Music is a great way to connect to God, and we have great musicians who lead us in worship. We have a praise band, choir, and handbell choir who prepare weekly and lead worship monthly or more, depending on the schedule. These groups also offer special music for special services such as our Christmas Music Sunday in December and Mardi Gras Brunch Church.

Each week the Reader leads the congregation in the prayers and scripture readings during worship. Watch a worship video to see when and how the readers serve our congregation on Sunday mornings.

Communion Serving & Prep
We usually offer Communion once a month, and we have volunteers who prepare the bread and juice, and others who assist the pastor in serving the congregation during worship.

Fellowship Host
After worship, many of us gather in the Fellowship Hall across the Lobby from the Sanctuary for coffee and treats and conversation. Our Hosts prepare the room for the gathering by setting out cups and dishes, making coffee, bringing treats, and cleaning up. Sign up to provide food or labor on the clipboard in the lobby.

Ushers & Greeters
Our Ushers & Greeters are the first faces people see when they come for worship. They open the door as people enter, direct them where they need to go, and help during worship by collecting the offering and counting the people participating in the worship service.

Clickers get to sit in the back of the congregation and click through the presentation slides. You get to pay attention closely to the service to know when to move the slides ahead for prayers and music.

Livestream Operator
We have a terrific livestream operator who work each week to get our worship services on YouTube and Facebook for people to watch online. But occasionally he has a Sunday off, or we have a special event. Help share our messages with the world!

Nursery Attendants
During worship and Sunday classes, we offer a nursery for little ones to play while parents and grandparents worship, learn, and chat with friends. We hire staff and we use volunteers to make sure our little ones are safe and happy.