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Life Events


We love weddings.

We love supporting couples as they prepare for a life together through premarital counseling, wedding planning, and the special service itself.


Losing a loved one is a special moment to take time to celebrate their life. We offer to walk with people as they grieve the death of someone important, and plan a special worship to remember their life.


Baptism is a sacrament of the church that is a way to receive God's grace and forgiveness in our lives. God does the work of grace in baptism, so we celebrate the baptism of people of all ages. Choose sprinting, pouring, or immersion forms - we will even baptize in a lake or river! We believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins, so we recognize baptisms of other Christian traditions.

Our congregation takes vows during baptism to support the new member in their faith and instruction. We ask that all people who are being baptized in our church be active in the life of the congregation.


Confirmation is a time to share your faith with the world and commit to being a part of the church.

People of any age can be confirmed, and you can be confirmed as many times as your spiritual journey leads you.


Most often, students in middle school and high school join a two-year class at our church to prepare to adopt the vows of faith and membership that were originally given at their baptism as a child.

Older people may wish to be confirmed, or to be mentored through a one-on-one process, to renew their faith and church commitment.

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