Serve our neighbors.
Meet new people.
Discover God at work.

Serve with Neighbors
Daily work crews help with economic disaster recovery: greening, feeding and rebuilding. This includes social service projects, providing meals, and rebuilding homes.

Historic Detroit
Stay at one of the historic Detroit United Methodist Churches. Learn about Detroit history and culture.
Lodging and meals included.

Motown Music!
Visit Motown Music Museum.
Pre-trip and daily devotions often include Motown Music theme.
Example: Stevie Wonder's "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" song illustrates how God will welcome us back even when we've been "gone too long."

Coach Bus Transport
We are aiming for at least 30 people to go together. We will take a coach bus for transportation. Reserve your seat today! Maximum 50 - so seating is limited.
If more than 40 sign up, cost will go down - so recruit your friends and family and coworkers to come along!

Mackinac Bridge
Bus leaves from Suamico UMC on Sunday June 22, 2025 at 7 am.
We will drive north and over the Mackinac Bridge on our way to Detroit.

Action + Prayer
We will be the hands and feet of Jesus as we serve with our neighbors.
PLUS we will turn our hearts to Jesus as we pray in preparation for this trip, pray and reflect during the trip, and consider the ways we have been transformed after the trip.
Need to Know...
June 22 - June 28, 2025
Leave 7 am Sunday June 22
Return 5 pm Saturday June 28
Inter-generational Group: Youth, Young Adults & Adults welcome!
Grades 7 and up.
Price: $650 - discount to $600 if we get 40 people - discount to $550 if we get 50 people
Includes: transportation, insurance, lodging, meals
Reserve your seat: $100 upon registration
Mail check to Suamico Church at address below or use our online Give button.
Lodging: Michigan church has beds and shower/restroom facilities.
Pre-Trip Meeting Attendance in person or by zoom required.
Group will get to know each other and prepare spiritually for the trip.
Daily devotions + Evening Worship every day during trip.
Bonus: one evening cultural event for entire group.
Trip insurance through United Methodist Volunteer in Mission -
includes medical evacuation and hospital coverage.
Trip Leader: Rev. Anna-Lisa Hunter, Suamico United Methodist Church
Reservations or Questions - Email: pastor@suamicoumc.org
Payments: Click on Give Button to make payments or mail to church address below.